Since 2025

Volume 24H: $268,381
Bisq Network (formerly known as Bitsquare) is an open-source project and a decentralized network where users can exchange Bitcoin for fiat currencies or alternative cryptocurrencies with full anonymity. Bisq runs as a desktop application that synchronizes with Bitcoin Main Net by using the privacy of the Tor Browser, increasing transaction anonymity.
Bisq trading platform allows users to connect through the TOR browser's anonymous connection layer. Due to the advanced interface, it's best suited to users who understand how anonymous network services work and have traded cryptocurrencies before. One of the downsides is the fact that you need to keep the application running so the transactions can go through.
Crypto Currencies Support
Traditional Currency Support
- Australian Dollar (AUD)
- Canadian Dollar (CAD)
- Euros (EUR)
- Russian Ruble (RUB)
- US Dollar (USD)
Language Support
- English
- German
- Greek
- Serbian
- Spanish
Country Support
- Australia
- Canada
- European Union
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Most Africa
- Most of Asia
- Most of Eastern European Union
- Most of Latin America
- Norway
- Russian Federation
- Singapore
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- United States of America
Platforms Systems
- Desktop APP
During a Biskq trade, the platform holds user funds for the duration of the contract in a 2 of 3 multi-signature wallet and releases them when both the buyer and the seller agree that the transaction has been completed. In the event of a dispute, the 3rd key is held by an arbitrator who can provide the 2nd key and release the funds. There is also a built-in wallet for storing funds.
Advanced Security Features:
- Limit amount of daily trades
- Tor browser anonymity
Security Features:
- An arbitrator is a real person who finds solutions to any disputes that may occur during a trade
Bisq Network is an open source project, funded by personal savings and community donations. Bisq is not a company, it is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) with distributed ownership based on level of participation in the project. Anyone who contributes can become a shareholder. The platform is developed and supported by Manfred Karrer, a developer, who lives in Spain.
Bisq Network is a truly innovative peer to peer exchange with an exceptionally high anonymity level and connectivity through the TOR browser. The arbitration feature secures all transactions and ensures user security. The platform is best suited for users who have had previous experience with cryptocurrency exchanges.
Deposit/Withdrawal Options:
Deposit from bank account, Deposit using 3rd party, Send/Receive Crypto
Bisq is a payment solution based on a pure P2P infrastructure (connecting through Tor network services). While transferring fiat currency requires the involvement of traditional channels like banks or payment processors, Bisq works independently. Bisq does not hold any of their clients' Bitcoins. Cryptos are stored in multi-signature addresses rather than a Bisq-controlled wallet.
Most common
customer complaint:
Some users question the legal status of trading cryptocurrency vs fiat currency through this platform, due to concerns with banking regulations in their country.