Since 2025 is one of the few companies that allows trading with audited Bitcoin customer portfolios. The exchange is known as one of the most important exchanges in Germany and is focused on safety and trust. is mostly dedicated to German nationals but investors worldwide are invited to use their services.
Don't be misled by this platform's wonky design as it carries extensive user account level functions and an easy trading mechanism for those seeking to buy or sell Bitcoin quickly against the Euro. Although the platform has a decent degree of security, it's better not to store large Bitcoin funds on the platform. Users should instead use a paper wallet or another cold storage option.
Crypto Currencies Support
Traditional Currency Support
- Euros (EUR)
Language Support
- Czech
- Estonian
- Finnish
- Icelandic
- Irish
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Maltese
- Slovak
Country Support
- Australia
- Canada
- China
- European Union
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Most Africa
- Most of Asia
- Most of Eastern European Union
- Most of Latin America
- Most of the Middle East
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Russian Federation
- Singapore
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- United States of America
- US partial
Platforms Systems
- Web Interface
- Allows Mining pools states that 98% of the digital funds stored in the platform's account are kept in cold wallets, protected against unauthorized access by means of various security mechanisms, but they don't offer further information about the security methods. The exchange has the option of 2FA and PGP email encryption for its user accounts and is regularly audited by external companies.
Advanced Security Features:
- Email reports of logins
- Ability to limit access to account based on IP address
- Monitor bahavior patterns for suspicious activity
- Offer for sale / Purchase request without corresponding Bitcoin balance
Security Features:
- Protection from DDoS attackes
- Regular Auditing Programs
- PGP/GPG email encryption
Legal Registration or Compliance:
- Payment Institution Liscense
- KYC/AML Compliant
The company running, the first German marketplace for Bitcoin, is called Bitcoin Deutschland AG, which is a holding of a Venture Capital Group called Bitcoin Group SE. The Bitcoin Group SE holds 100% of the shares of the Bitcoin Deutschland AG. This company has had wide press coverage in several German and international financial newspapers and magazines.
This platform is very popular in Germany, and heavily regulated and audited by the German authorities. One of its weak points is the fact that it allows trading only against the Euro, but otherwise it is considered very usable and secure. Clients have praised the user experience and service on this platform as being very professional.
Deposit/Withdrawal Options:
Deposit from bank account, Deposit using 3rd party, Withdrawl funds to bank account, Withdrawal funds through a third party, Send/Receive Crypto
There are several trading pairs of cryptocurrencies against the Euro. Deposits and withdrawals work only with SEPA bank transfers or Fidor Bank integration. With Fidor, users can benefit from the Express Trade option on, which allows real-time transactions. has implemented a rating system which allows users to rate other traders based on trust level criteria.
Most common
customer complaint:
Slow transactions