
In her quest to understand how the world works she studied international politics and political theory. With maturity she came to realize the innate relationship between politics and economics and moved into a new field of study. Naomi is eternally optimistic about the role of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies in the future and proud to be part of the revolution.

Trump To Speak At a Bitcoin Conference Adding to The Doom and Gloom Debate
At a time of crypto-pessimism, Donald Trump, amid the strangest campaign for presidency in memory, came forward to support cryptocurrency.

Peter Schiff’s Bitcoin Obsession and Shilling For The End Times
Investing always produces loud fanatics preaching the value of whatever they invest in. Enter Peter Schiff, passionate anti-Bitcoin evangelist.

The Half Nots: How the Halving Is a Double-Edged Sword for Miners
Miners rely on immense computing power to successfully solve complex mathematical problems for verifying and adding new blocks to the blockchain.

Every-Bro David Portnoy's Hapless Tale of Crypto Foolery
In 2017, Every-bro David Portnoy was tired of the crypto questions being lobbed in his mind with nothing there to hit them.

Choosing a Cryptocurrency Wallet That Suits Your Crypto Style
A look at cryptocurrency wallet options for newcomers with a focus on Jubiter, an online Bitcoin and Litecoin wallet that is making waves.

Jubiter: An Accessible and Secure Bitcoin Wallet for New Investors
A brief profile of new crypto exchange, Jubiter.com, which offers an exchange, Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet, and credit/debit card compatibility.