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Guest writer

If you are passionate about Blockchain or cryptocurrencies and believe you have something you can add to the discussion let us know. Include samples of previous work and a short bio.

Crypto Reminders: What Are ICOs and How Do They Work?
When a virtual currency company decides to seek funds through an ICO, the first stage for the initiative organizers is to decide on parameters.

5 Alternative Funding Options for Cryptocurrency Startups
Let's take a look at some of the ways in which cryptocurrency start-ups can secure funding, while at the same time enhancing their profile.

Will STOs Replace ICOs as the Go-To Funding Model in Crypto?
STOs can be understood as a rebranding and slightly altered version of ICOs, which remain popular despite a great deal of negative publicity.

Wemark ICO Review: Blockchain-Based Marketplace for Digital Content
Wemark is designed as a decentralized marketplace for digital content that allows peer to peer transactions between content creators and users.