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Guest writer

If you are passionate about Blockchain or cryptocurrencies and believe you have something you can add to the discussion let us know. Include samples of previous work and a short bio.

Using Legal Tech to Mitigate Litigation Risks for Businesses in 2025
As we enter 2025, businesses face intense regulatory scrutiny, compliance requirements, and a surge in legal battles for a variety of reasons.

Where Do They Accept Cryptocurrency Payments in Europe
Let’s take a journey through some of the most cryptocurrency-friendly cities in Europe to see where crypto is and isn't accepted!

6 Benefits of Citizenship by Investment for Crypto-Investors
The crypto market has grown tremendously, and more people are investing in it, but there is still confusion regarding how crypto should be taxed.

Another Bitcoin Mixing Service Has Been Taken Down: The ChipMixer
The digital age has brought us unprecedented levels of convenience and connectivity, but also new challenges to our privacy rights.

XRP-SEC Lawsuit Possible Outcomes: How Could this Affect the Big Eyes Coin Presale?
A victorious XRP, by far the more likely outcome, would mean that the SEC would have wrongly pursued legal action against Ripple Labs.

How to Acquire a Cryptocurrency License in Lithuania
Registering a company and obtaining a crypto license in Lithuania can be rather complex and not every business is qualified.

The Best Way to Get a Disposable Mobile Number for Crypto Account Verification
In most cases, a VoIP phone number is used for a limited time and is typically employed to preserve the users' confidentiality.

Why Cost-Basis is so Important for Doing Crypto Taxes
With the rapid growth of the crypto market, the government certainly wants its share of the income produced by its citizens.

How to Get Your Cryptocurrency License in Estonia?
The government of Estonia is attempting to become a crypto hub by providing opportunities for those who are willing to make the effort.

How to Get Your Cryptocurrency License in Lithuania
As an opinion on getting a crypto license in Lithuania, we’ve requested comments from the law firm specializing in corporate law Adam Smith.