John Alexander Adam
The earlier phase of John’s career was in real estate investment. Between 2005 and 2009 he held positions as country manager for an international property consultancy and brokerage and as a sales & marketing manager for property developers with projects based in then-booming Eastern Europe and specifically Bulgaria. Following a short sabbatical, he subsequently co-founded the online financial markets/investor-focused media iNVEZZ in 2011, where he was the COO and editor-in-chief until the company was sold in 2017. John is currently a freelance writer, commentator and content marketing professional in the financial services space with a particular focus on cryptocurrency markets. John is a resident of Bulgaria

South Korean Authorities Raid Cryptocurrency Exchanges
South Korean government cracks down on 3 exchanges accused of embezzlement while rewriting regulation to allow legitimate ICOs

Crypto Trader Alleges Ghost Volumes Scam on Major Exchanges
Trader Sylvain Ribes publishes an article on the Medium platform accusing major exchanges of falsifying and exaggerating trading volume.

Hack Proof Smartphone with Built-In Crypto Wallet Unveiled
German Cybersecurity Experts Sikur Demonstrate $799 SIKURPhone at the Mobile World Congress with a built in crypto wallet.