Martin Banov

Martin is a nerd of various stripes with an affinity for paradox and interests in systems design and trans-disciplinary intersections. Martin is a child of the world having lived in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Israel and currently Taiwan.

Szabo's Law and Decentralized Crypto-Governance (Part 2)
Part two in our analysis of decentralized crypto governance continues the discussion about the sovereignty of code and "Szabo's law".

Part 2 of 2: Zero Knowledge Proofs - Implementations and Applications (Zcash to Ren)
A brief overview of zero-knowledge proof implementations/applications in blockchain-based systems (e.g., Ethereum, Zcash, Leverj, Coda, REN).

Zero Knowledge Proofs Part One: The Cryptographic Protocols and Their Variations
Part 1: A brief overview of zero-knowledge proof protocols and their applications in blockchain-based systems (e.g., zk-SNARKs, zk-STARKs).

Tezos: A Self-Amending Crypto-Ledger Formalizing On-Chain Governance Protocols
A summary of the Tezos system, its innovative contributions to governance, and its approach to smart contract scripting and formal verifications.

Leverj: An Accounts-Based Plasma Implementation for a Non-Custodial, High-Speed DEX
Gluon Plasma is an accounts-based sidechain design implemented by Leverj to facilitate a non-custodial decentralized exchange of Ethereum assets.

Holochain Part 3: Forming Communities, Projects and Ecosystem, Further Commentaries
The final piece in our three-part analysis of Holochain looks at communities and projects forming around it and revisits the core philosophy.

Holochain Analysis 2: Architecture, Technical Specification, Prototyping of hApps
Part two in a three-part Holochain series provides an analysis of the technical architecture of hApps and discusses how to build them.

Holochain Analysis 1: The Philosophy and Key Concepts Behind Holochain and Ceptr
In part one of a three-part series on Holochain, we look at the philosophy and new ideas behind Holochain, an entirely new form of DLT.

PoWH3D & FOMO3D: Flawed Behavioral Economics Wrapped in Highly Secure Smart Contracts
After a series of failed attempts, 4chan's /biz/ has come up with clever Ethereum implementations of troublesome game theory scenarios.

Waves Explained: A Nxt Blockchain for Financial and Custom Asset Operations
Waves is a multi-purpose blockchain platform geared towards mass adoption, usability, performance and financial operations.