Martin Banov

Martin is a nerd of various stripes with an affinity for paradox and interests in systems design and trans-disciplinary intersections. Martin is a child of the world having lived in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Israel and currently Taiwan.

An Interview with Bharath Rao, Founder/CEO of Leverj
The Founder and CEO of Leverj discusses his background in fintech, distributed financial systems, stablecoins, predictions markets, and more.
Mar 06, 2019 - 6 min, 30 sec read

IOTA Controlled Agent: Swarm Intelligence and Swarm Nodes in Economic Clustering
An in-depth overview of the IOTA ICT client for swarm nodes and swarm intelligence in the context of Economic Clustering.
Nov 30, 2018 - 18 min, 13 sec read
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