Ricardo Carrasco

Ricardo is from Barquisimeto, Venezuela. He is a Biologist with a focus in Fungal Biology, Plant Ecophysiology and Molecular Ecology. He is also a musician wannabe, and a foodie. He is in love with nature and with the human experience, and as such, seeks to truly understand them through science. He cultivates several species of plants and fungi and loves to watch them grow. He is interested in Psychology, Gastronomy, Economy, Evolution, Languages, and Biotechnology and even more interested in all things related to Fintech, Data Science, Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Ricardo is a resident of Venezuela.

China's Central Bank Is Hiring Blockchain Experts to Help Create Its National Crypto
The People's Bank of China is in the process of hiring blockchain specialists in a bid to develop their own central bank-backed cryptocurrency.

Bloomberg: Institutional Investors Are Buying More Cryptos Than Previously Thought
Research indicates that institutional investors have now surpassed high-net worth individuals as the main buyers of large swathes of crypto.

Interstellar: Lightyear Buys Chain to Merge Public and Private Blockchains on Stellar
The Stellar Development Foundation has acquired the venture-backed blockchain enterprise Chain Inc., through its for-profit subsidiary Lightyear.

Dash Reportedly Surging in Venezuela in Wake of Hyper-Inflation, Petro Confusion
Dash is reportedly on the rise in Venezuela as the country endures an economic crisis. But is it as important as the media portrays it to be?

Venezuela's Bolivar Pegged to Crypto and Devalued 95%, Changes Take Effect Today
The government of Venezuela has officially pegged the value of its new fiat currency "El Bolivar Soberano" to the value of its national crypto.

Crypto Trading to Come to Jamaica Stock Exchange by End of Year
The Jamaican Stock Exchange and Canadian Blockstation announced they will start offering token trading for institutional and individual investors

EOS Hackathon 1st Prize Web App Allows Users to Build Smart Contracts Without Code
SmartPress won the EOS Hackathon Sydney for the development of a EOSIO Dapp that allows the average Joe to easily build smart contracts.

Experts Say Ripple Is Not Real Crypto and May Experience a 'Big Dip' in Value
According to experts, Ripple May Experience a 'Big Dip' in Value because it “falls short” from being a real cryptocurrency.

Litecoin Foundation Acquires 9.9% of German Bank in Crypto Payment Solutions Deal
TokenPay Swiss AG and the Litecoin Foundation have purchased 9.9% of Germany's WEG Bank with options to acquire up to 90% of the Bank's stakes.

Swiss Lawmaker Requests Risk Assesment of Possible State-backed Cryptocurrency
A Swiss lawmaker officially introduced a request to the Finance Ministry to elaborate a risk assessment of a state-backed cryptocurrency.