Ricardo Carrasco

Ricardo is from Barquisimeto, Venezuela. He is a Biologist with a focus in Fungal Biology, Plant Ecophysiology and Molecular Ecology. He is also a musician wannabe, and a foodie. He is in love with nature and with the human experience, and as such, seeks to truly understand them through science. He cultivates several species of plants and fungi and loves to watch them grow. He is interested in Psychology, Gastronomy, Economy, Evolution, Languages, and Biotechnology and even more interested in all things related to Fintech, Data Science, Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Ricardo is a resident of Venezuela.

Finra Charges HempCoin with Fraud in a Cryptocurrency First
Both the U.S. SEC and FINRA have accused several defendants this week of securities fraud and other cryptocurrency-related crimes.

American NASAA Releases Update on Its Crackdown on Fraudulent Cryptos and ICOs
The North American Securities Administrators Association has given updates of 'Operation CryptoSweep', an investigation on crypto and ICO scams.

DEA Says Illegal Activity Has Gone from 90% to Only 10% of Bitcoin Trading
A US DEA agent said to Bloomberg that illegal activity now only accounts for 10% of the total transaction volume of the Bitcoin Network.

Binance Halts All Trading and Resets API Keys after Syscoin Attack
Binance halted all trading activity and resetted all its API keys in response to a hack that generated an aberrant number of Syscoins.

Bitcoin Cash under Attack, Roger Ver 'Will Now Cry'
Bitcoin developer group ‘bitPico’ announced that it started an attack on the BCH network, with intent of ‘breaking’ it using a 51% attack.

Cryptocurrencies and the Illegal Gambling Industry: Is Blockchain a Friend or a Foe?
Illegal online gambling is a clandestine multi billion dollar business, can Blockchain technology help bring this industry into the light?

North American Regulators Launch Multiple Investigations Into Cryptocurrency Scams
The North American Securities Administrators Association launched a probe named Operation CryptoSweep to investigate Cryptocurrency-related scams

Crypto Exchanges Halt ERC20 Token Trading Over Smart Contract Vulnerability
Several major cryptocurrency exchanges temporarily suspended all ERC20-related trading after a smart contract vulnerability was discovered.

Chinese Police Bust $13 Million Blockchain Pyramid Scheme Called DBTC
Xi’an City Police busted a Ponzi scheme called “DBTC” that managed to siphon $13 million from 13,000 users in 31 provinces across China.

Bitfinex Denies Involvement with Columbian Drug Cartels
Bucking rumors of connections to Colombian drug cartels and money laundering scandals, Bitfinex continues with business as usual.