Ricardo Carrasco

Ricardo is from Barquisimeto, Venezuela. He is a Biologist with a focus in Fungal Biology, Plant Ecophysiology and Molecular Ecology. He is also a musician wannabe, and a foodie. He is in love with nature and with the human experience, and as such, seeks to truly understand them through science. He cultivates several species of plants and fungi and loves to watch them grow. He is interested in Psychology, Gastronomy, Economy, Evolution, Languages, and Biotechnology and even more interested in all things related to Fintech, Data Science, Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Ricardo is a resident of Venezuela.

Irish Entrepreneurs to Run ICO for a Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange
Joe Haslam and Conor O'Connor have announced the launch this month of the ICO for a decentralized exchange named Local Token Exchange.

Can the New Resource-Backed Petro ICO Provide a Way Out for Venezuela?
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro officially announced the start of a presale for Petro, a new Cryptocurrency backed by oil and gold reserves.