Ricardo Carrasco

Ricardo is from Barquisimeto, Venezuela. He is a Biologist with a focus in Fungal Biology, Plant Ecophysiology and Molecular Ecology. He is also a musician wannabe, and a foodie. He is in love with nature and with the human experience, and as such, seeks to truly understand them through science. He cultivates several species of plants and fungi and loves to watch them grow. He is interested in Psychology, Gastronomy, Economy, Evolution, Languages, and Biotechnology and even more interested in all things related to Fintech, Data Science, Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Ricardo is a resident of Venezuela.

Forbes Goes Blockchain in Collaboration with Civil Publishing Platform
Forbes and the Civil platform have entered a partnership to promote trustworthy and sustainable journalism through the use of blockchain tech.

First Blockchain-Based Commodities Trading Platform Set to Launch by End of Year
The first Blockchain platform backed by global banks and trading firms for commodities trading is expected by end of year.

Report Finds 72% of Finance Executives Believe Cryptocurrency is Here to Stay
A recent report published by Greenwich Associates shows that 72% survey respondents think cryptocurrencies are here to stay.

Coinbase Reportedly Exploring Crypto ETF with Help from Wall Street Firm BlackRock
Coinbase has reportedly talked about a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund, with the blockchain team from Wall Street´s BlackRock, Inc.

Huobi Buys Controlling Shares of HKEX-Listed Firm, Opening Door to Public Listing
Huobi, may be looking to go public via a reverse IPO, by acquiring 73.73% of Hong Kong-based electronics company Pantronics Holdings Ltd.

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong Tells Bloomberg Organic Crypto Adoption is Coming
The CEO of Coinbase said at a Bloomberg tech Summit that future economic crises will bring about the organic adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Exclusive Interview with Popo Chen: Founder/CEO of Cobinhood and the DEXON Project
Popo Chen, CEO and Founder of Cobinhood, talks about his crypto exchange platform and elaborates on his new Dapp platform, the DEXON Project.

Overstock Signs Agreement with World Bank to Bring Blockchain to Developing Countries
Medici Land Governance and the World Bank will start using blockchain technology to help ensure secure land tenure in underdeveloped countries.

Nobel Winning Economist and Former Microsoft Chief Economist Join Blockchain Firm
A Nobel Prize Winning Economist and a former Microsoft Chief Economist join the blockchain economics and governance design firm Prysm Group.

IBM Teams with CLS and Major Banks to Test Blockchain App Store for Financial Firms
IBM and the CLS group have announced a new PoC for a blockchain-based app store for financial institutions called LedgerConnect.