Ricardo Carrasco

Ricardo is from Barquisimeto, Venezuela. He is a Biologist with a focus in Fungal Biology, Plant Ecophysiology and Molecular Ecology. He is also a musician wannabe, and a foodie. He is in love with nature and with the human experience, and as such, seeks to truly understand them through science. He cultivates several species of plants and fungi and loves to watch them grow. He is interested in Psychology, Gastronomy, Economy, Evolution, Languages, and Biotechnology and even more interested in all things related to Fintech, Data Science, Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Ricardo is a resident of Venezuela.

Is India's FSDC Preparing to Completely Ban Cryptocurrencies?
Recent statements by India´s financial regulators reveal the government may be preparing to completely ban cryptocurrency use in the country.

ICE´s Bakkt Platform Will Start Trading Bitcoin Futures In December
Intercontinental Exchange has announced that its Bakkt platform will start trading Bitcoin futures on December 12 this year.

After Choking Out the Crypto Market, India May Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency
A few months after banning all things crypto, the Indian government is reportedly preparing to launch its own cryptocurrency.

Massachusetts District Court Rules Cryptocurrencies Should be Treated as Commodities
A U.S. Federal Court ruled that Cryptocurrencies are to be considered as commodities instead of securities. Will this put an end to the debate?

Will Bakkt Really Be the Biggest Thing Yet to Hit Crypto?
ICE's Bakkt launch is right around the corner. After weeks of hype and criticism we ask: is Bakkt really the biggest thing yet to hit Crypto?

France Is Working to Become Europe's ICO Hub with New Regulatory Framework
French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire announced his country's Parliament approved a regulatory framework for initial coin offerings.

Is the Indian Supreme Court Preparing to Lift the Ban on Cryptocurrency Trading?
A new series of hearings about the legality of cryptocurrency trading in India is set to start today after months of complete prohibition.

Report Will Urge EU Ministers to Adopt Europe-Wide Cryptocurrency Regulations
A Belgium-based think tank will recommend the European Union to adopt a common set of rules for cryptocurrency and ICO regulation.

Thailand's Securities Exchange Comission Clears Seven Crypto Exchanges for Operation
Thailand’s SEC has authorized seven companies to operate as crypto exchanges as the country opens up to cryptocurrencies.

Indian Government Says Crypto Regulations Still Months Away
Clear-cut crypto regulations may be months away from Indian users. A final official discussion on the matter has been set for September 11.