Tom Nyarunda

I am a budding freelance writer with a penchant for Cryptocurrency. I have a background in psychology (BA Psychology) but have been “bewitched” by the power of the written word. I spend my free time as a counselor and motivational speaker. I believe in Blockchain’s ability to totally transform the world faster than any other technology has done. I am a resident of Kenya in Eastern Africa.

Washington Community Approves Temporary Moratorium on Crypto Mining
Power authorities are worried about hazards caused by the influx of illegal miners taking advantage of cheap power and endangering lives

Billionaire Investor Bill Miller Calls Bitcoin the Most Promising Cryptocurrency
Miller’s positive comments may indicate that we are at the dawn of another significant era for cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in particular.

UK Police Seize, Convert and Retain £1.2m Worth of Bitcoin
UK law enforcement agency is the first to retain crime related cryptocurrency seized from a criminal convicted for drugs and money laundering

South Korea’s Supreme Court Deems Bitcoin Has Economic Value in Landmark Ruling
The Korean Supreme Court's recognition of Bitcoin’s economic value means current regulations on digital currencies could become void.

Roger Ver, “Bitcoin Jesus” to “Bitcoin Judas” in Fresh Feud Over Bitcoin Cash
Roger Ver faces legal action and charges of fraud in the latest development in an increasingly hostile Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash feud.