Tom Nyarunda

I am a budding freelance writer with a penchant for Cryptocurrency. I have a background in psychology (BA Psychology) but have been “bewitched” by the power of the written word. I spend my free time as a counselor and motivational speaker. I believe in Blockchain’s ability to totally transform the world faster than any other technology has done. I am a resident of Kenya in Eastern Africa.

A Russian Shipwreck, Lost Treasure, and a Possible Cryptocurrency Scam
South Korean company claims it has found a historical shipwreck laden with gold, to which it pegs its own cryptocurrency. FSS raises scam alert.

Swiss Crypto Mining Firm Envion AG Charged by FINMA for Potentially Illegal ICO
Envion AG raised over $100 million from investors but violated Swiss banking laws during its Initial Coin Offering according to FINMA.

LocalBitcoin Trader Jailed for One Year and Forfeits $550,000 in Cash and Bitcoin
Theresa Lynn Tetley, aka ‘Bitcoin Maven’, has just been sentenced to 1 year in prison for operating an unlicensed Bitcoin exchange.

Hackers Infiltrate South Korea’s Bithumb Exchange and Steal $30 Million
Bithumb exchange was hacked early Wednesday morning, over $30 million worth of cryptocurrencies were stolen. Compensation tweet deleted.

Hackers are Responsible for Mining 5% of all Monero (XMR) in Circulation
The amount of Monero (XMR) mined by hackers is at least 5 percent as research didn’t take into account web-based or invisible Monero miners.

Crypto-Jacking: Japanese Police Cracking the Whip on Illegal Monero Miners
Crypto-jackers in Japan used CoinHive to secretly mine Monero (XMR) currency using the CPU of visitors to their website without consent.

Coinrail Hack Sees $40M in Altcoins Stolen as Cryptocurrency Prices Nosedive
Bad news in crypto world as a hacking of a moderately small Korean crypto exchange creates a ripple effect on crypto prices across the board

The OneCoin Scam Investigation: China Sues 98 People, Recovers $268 Million
THE cryptocurrency space is growing too fast rapidly for authorities to keep watch over their citizens but China is doing its best

Hackers Steal Ethereum from MyEtherWallet by Hijacking DNS Servers
Hackers used the man-in-the-middle attack to gain access to a DNS server to steal $150,000 in Ethereum from users.

Now Infamous Cambridge Analytica Firm Planned to Issue a Digital Currency
Cambridge Analytica, the now-infamous UK-based Data firm, intended to launch a cryptocurrency and expected to raise USD $30 million in the ICO.