
Holy transaction is a easy to use wallet platform that allows cyrpto to crypto exchange. It allows total anonymity. They do not give the user access to their private keys and it appears their staff has direct access to user accounts. They do not perform any audits.
Holy transaction is very simple and easy to use. It seems to support a great number of obscure coins as well as many of the top ones. They claim to allow instant crypto to crypto conversion and ATM withdrawals in Poland and Spain. We found nothing to substantiate these claims.
Company / organization behind the wallets
HolyTransaction is operated by HolyTransaction SA, a company based in Luxembourg and was founded by Nickolay Babenko, Andrey Zamovskiy and Francesco Simonetti in 2014. Information is contradictory about these founders.
Crypto Currencies Support
- Bitcoin (BTC)
- BlackCoin (BLK)
- CreativeChain (CREA)
- Dashcoin (DSH)
- Decred (DCR)
- Dogecoin (DOGE)
- Ethereum (ETH)
- FairCoin (FAIR)
- FlypMe (FYP)
- Gamecredits (GAME)
- GridCoin (GRC)
- Litecoin (LTC)
- MaidSafe Coin (MAID)
- Omni (OMNI)
- PeerCoin (PPC)
- Private Instant Verified Transaction (PIVX)
- Ribbit Rewards (RBR)
- SysCoin (SYS)
- Tether (USDT)
- ZCash (ZEC)
Language Support
- English
Supported Systems
- Windows
- Linux
- Android
- iOS
Holytransaction claims to have cold storage. They also claim to be able to recover your account if you loose your password. This suggests that they have full control over and access to your funds. Some of their erroneous claims also make them seem unreliable. They also claim to offer 2 factor authentication but there is no option for this within the platform.
What happens in the event of a disaster/theft/loss?
Private keys can be recovered manually after contacting the customer service.
Holytransaction is a multi-currency online wallet, designed for non-technical consumers. The users can easily set up an account and have access to instant exchanges among top crypto-currencies. Cash-out is available in Spain and Poland through ATMs with HalCash use.
This company makes alot of claims that we were not able to substantiate. Their business model gives them complete control and access to your funds while you can only access them through them. If this company were to suddenly disappear all your funds would be lost. We do not recommend this as a safe option.
- Exchange coins crypto to crypto
Holy transaction is very simple and easy to use. It seems to support a great number of obscure coins as well as many of the top ones. They claim to allow instant crypto to crypto conversion and ATM withdrawals in Poland and Spain. We found nothing to substantiate these claims.
The wallet platform has built the exchange function in their own software and manages it locally.
Help and
- FAQ section
Personal information for activation account:
- Email Address
Most common
customer complaint:
Customer support unavailable